
Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How much does the implant cost me?

    You pay absolutely nothing. Donations from implant recipients are not required.

  2. How is it possible that New Freedom Clinic provides free naltrexone implants?

    New Freedom Clinic depends on the generosity and kindness of donors interested in helping those who struggle with opiate addiction so there is no cost for the implant.

  3. What is the naltrexone implant?

    The naltrexone implant is a small capsule that is placed under the skin with a tiny incision. Unlike suboxone and methadone, naltrexone is not a controlled substance. It will not get you high and it is not addictive. Naltrexone is almost identical to the Narcan (naloxone) that paramedics give to those who have overdosed on opiates. As long as the naltrexone implant is in place, it is almost impossible for one to feel any effects from opiates.

  4. How long does the naltrexone implant last?

    The implant lasts approximately two months and dissolves. Depending upon the individual, it may be necessary to receive additional implants.

  5. How long do I have to be free of opiates before I can get the naltrexone implant?

    There must be no use of any opioids for seven days prior to getting the implant, or the implant may cause immediate and severe withdrawal.

  6. Will I be awake during the procedure?

    Yes, fully awake. At the conclusion of the 30-minute procedure, you will be able to drive yourself home.

  7. Is the procedure painful?

    The incision is only one inch and is numbed with lidocaine, therefore any pain is minimal. Only one staple is required to close the incision.

  8. Does the naltrexone implant cause side effects?

    Occasionally, patients have temporary nausea and/or headaches. Allergic reactions are rare. As with all surgery, minor infections can occur and are easily treated.

  9. What happens if I use opiates when the naltrexone implant is in place?

    The opioids would have no effect.

  10. What happens if I get clean with the help of the naltrexone implant, and then I use again?

    Using opioids after a significant clean time reduces tolerance and creates a greater risk of overdose.

  11. Are there other clinics in Virginia that place naltrexone implants?

    There is one other clinic in Virginia that places naltrexone implants. That clinic charges $900 to place the same implant that is placed by New Freedom Clinic.